2268: My incoming reviews have a negative number
- Fixed
- Review Board
yeomans*******@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.) | |
June 17, 2014 | |
2273, 2277, 2645, 2738, 3107, 3284, 3415, 3519, 3523 |
What version are you running? 1.6 RC2 What's the URL of the page containing the problem? http://reviews.dev.~~~~~~~~.com/dashboard/ What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.I just opened my dashboard 2. 3. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? A number without the negative sign. What operating system are you using? What browser? Windows 7 Firefox 6.0 Please provide any additional information below. I attached a picture
This was a bug in 1.6rc1. Please run 'rb-site /path/to/site manage fixreviewcounts' on the server.
+ Fixed
I just upgraded from RB 1.5.5 to 1.6 and encountered this same issue. Does the 'rb-site manage fixreviewcounts' command fix this permanently?
It may not fix it forever. We actually call this on upgrade. There may very well be a bug here. It will be extremely helpful to have a solid repro case. This means knowing exactly what actions were performed on the review request in what order, knowing which counter field is broken, etc.
- Fixed + NeedInfo
Here are the steps I went through: 1) Created four review requests by three different users other than me in RB (this was a new installation). 2) Opened up my dashboard to see the four review requests (I was specifically added as a reviewer on three of them). 3) Went to the other developers machine and had him close review request #1. 4) Refreshed my dashboard and saw the negative numbers (see attached). I believe the numbers should have been 3 for incoming reviews (versus -1) and 2 'to me' (versus -1). 5) Ran the fixreviewcounts script, restarted httpd and memcached and all was well.
When I upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6, i got -1 for "Outgoing Reviews" and zero for all the other case (example All My Requests). When I ran "rb-site manage <path/to/site> fixreviewcounts", counts were seen correctly (All My Requests now 83).
Fixed on master and release-1.6.x.
- NeedInfo + Fixed -
- Priority-Medium + Priority-Critical + Djblets + Milestone-Release1.6.x -
+ chipx86
We have the same issue with version 1.7.2. Does the fixreviewcounts also work for that version?
This is still happening for me. In the attached screenshot I should have 0 starred, 1 outgoing (though it's not published yet, I forget if that counts) and 22 incoming reviews. Is there a workaround in admin to reset the counts?
Sorry - I'm on 1.6.13
this seems to be fixed per https://code.google.com/p/reviewboard/issues/detail?id=2645 - can we merge this on to the next 1.7.x release? It happens on 1.7.6 for me.
Can you please specify the exact 1.7.x branch version where this bug was presumably finally fixed?