Here's the latest...
- No new tickets were filed this week. That's a relief.
- No tickets were closed this week. Better get on that.
Some recent discussions you might care about...
After poking around, I believe the issues arises from this section of code which filters out recipients based on whether the change involves only updates for target reviewers: (
If this is the case, then owners of the review_request shouldn't experience the separate threading, this is because the build_recipients function will always include the user of the review_request. (
Adding the reference header doesn't seem to be enough, since once the reviewers are added and the review_request draft is published, the message_id attached to the original review_request is modified ( might involve keeping track of all previous message_ids and adding those to the
field, but that might be too much, otherwise removal of the filtering will solve it (but that might cause too much noise)