2160: Diff Updated column displays incorrect times

j**@pobo***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
July 3, 2011
What version are you running?

reviews.reviewboard.org as of 2011-07-03 (somewhere around 1.6 beta)

What's the URL of the page containing the problem?


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Publish a review request (with a diffset)
2. Wait a bit
3. Add a comment (in my case, I added a comment as a different user from the user who created the review request)
4. Enable the "Diff Updated (Relative)" column in the "All review requests" listing

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Expect: the Diff Updated (Relative) column shows the time since the diffset was updated

Got: the Diff Updated (Relative) column shows the time since the comment was added

What operating system are you using? What browser?

Ubuntu maverick / Chromium 12

Please provide any additional information below.