1022: Table rows in the Dashboard incorrectly signal clickability
- Fixed
- Review Board
daniel.s*********@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.) | |
April 2, 2010 | |
1778 |
The review request table in the Dashboard display a pointing cursor when hovering over the Summary column, yet clicking outside the actual text does not result in any action. Furthermore, the background color of the row is changed on hover, yet only the Star, Summary, and Submitter fields can be clicked on. This is poor for usability; either provide a default action for clicking on the row (e.g. go to the request, and ignore the Submitter column,) or stop pretending the row can be clicked on (remove pointer cursor and hover effect.)
Can second this. Would like to have the whole row clickable for quicker navigation
Probably should, but it's not important enough for 1.0 at this point.
+ Confirmed -
- Priority-Medium + Priority-Low + Milestone-Release1.5 + Component-Dashboard + Usability
I'd like to take a stab at this; would it suffice if I made the row clickable and removed the link to the author? I don't really think it's a common navigation path anyway, so no important functionality should be lost.
People actually use the author quite a bit. I know we'd anger some people if we removed that. Plus, given the customizability of the columns, and the fact that we'll have extensions in the next major release, we need to allow for columns that offer their own clickability. What I'd say we should do instead is have a default URL indicated for a row in a datagrid, and per-cell URLs. The author cell would set the URL for the author, and every cell not setting a URL would use the default. We'd then listen for clicks on each cell and go to the right URL.
verified (and frequently mentioned) at AGInteractive, fwiw
This wouldn't be so bad if the summary text itself had some hover styling on it so that one would know whether or not the link had been correctly targeted... But it would still be better to have the whole cell be clickable.
for the record, /me stabs -> http://reviews.reviewboard.org/r/1468/