4851: Poster can revoke ship-its


A really convenient feature would be to allow the owner of a review to revoke ship-its against that review. This would be useful in a situation where someone has given a review a ship-it, and then the owner of the review adds a new diff or updates the review in some way. The previous ship-it could possibly be invalid, because its context is now old. By being able to revoke the ship-it, we can mark it as expired due to new context.

#1 Misery

You can try my extension. In admin settings you can select "Revoke ShipIt" if a new diff is uploaded.


#2 davidbernstein

Thanks for the response!
When applying this setting, will any user be able to revoke shipits on their own posts? Or just admins?

#3 Misery

This extension will revoke all previous ShipIts automcatically if the user uploads a new diff. You don't need to revoke it manually.

#4 david
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