4773: Disable prompting when stdin is not a TTY


We recently had a question on Stack Overflow from a person trying to pipe output from yes to rbt.

That question would be mooted if a batch mode existed, whether directly/explicitly enabled (--batch) or enabled via detecting stdin being attached to a non-TTY source (such as /dev/null).

See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53822640/python-subprocess-shell-not-passing-yes-with-to-the-bash-script-im-executing#comment94494416_53822640

#1 grantzukel

Here is the output when the process hangs while running the update command. This doesn't happen when -u is not specified. This script basically runs when jenkins runs to automatically create PR review requests. not sure why its hanging if it completes.

cd neb-api && git checkout bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action && yes | rbt post --repository=neb-api --tracking-branch="origin/bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action" --parent="origin/feature-charting" --branch="bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action" --guess-fields=auto --target-groups=PR_Reviewers --publish --server="http://hidden" --username="admin" --password="hidden" --submit-as="hidden" --bugs-closed="NEB-4040" --description="Adds API for default listing type get call NEB-4040 add getListingTypeByName and unit tests NEB-4040 remove static model methods and update unit tests NEB-4040 add API for default listing types NEB-4040 refactor unit tests and update swagger jira link https://hidden.atlassian.net/browse/NEB-4040" -u -d
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action'.
Already on 'bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action'

RBTools 1.0.1
Python 2.7.14 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Dec 7 2017, 11:07:58)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]
Running on Darwin-17.5.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Home = /Users/grantzukel
Current directory = /Users/grantzukel/Projects/neb-scratch/neb-api
Command line: rbt post --repository=neb-api --tracking-branch=origin/bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action --parent=origin/feature-charting --branch=bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action --guess-fields=auto --target-groups=PR_Reviewers --publish --server=http://hidden --username=hidden --password=hidden --submit-as=hidden --bugs-closed=NEB-4040 "--description=Adds API for default listing type get call NEB-4040 add getListingTypeByName and unit tests NEB-4040 remove static model methods and update unit tests NEB-4040 add API for default listing types NEB-4040 refactor unit tests and update swagger jira link https://hidden.atlassian.net/browse/NEB-4040" -u -d
Running: tf vc help
Checking for a Subversion repository...
Running: svn --non-interactive info
Command exited with rc 1: [u'svn', u'--non-interactive', u'info']
Checking for a Git repository...
Running: git rev-parse --git-dir
Running: git config core.bare
Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD
Running: git config --get remote.origin.url
Repository info: Path: https://@bitbucket.org/hidden/hidden.git, Base path: , Supports changesets: False
Checking for a Mercurial repository...
Unable to execute "hg --help": skipping Mercurial
Checking for a CVS repository...
Unable to execute "cvs": skipping CVS
Checking for a Perforce repository...
Unable to execute "p4 help": skipping Perforce
Checking for a Plastic repository...
Unable to execute "cm version": skipping Plastic
Checking for a ClearCase repository...
Unable to execute "cleartool help": skipping ClearCase
Checking for a Bazaar repository...
Unable to execute "bzr help": skipping Bazaar
Checking for a Team Foundation Server repository...
Unable to execute "tf help": skipping TFS
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/
Running: git rev-parse refs/heads/bc-NEB-4651-default-listing-type-action
Running: git rev-parse origin/feature-charting
Running: git rev-list 385d74957e61c071daf5b5ab0a44da493f702f8d --not --remotes=origin
Running: git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no --ignore-submodules=dirty
Running: git version
Running: git -c core.quotepath=false -c diff.noprefix=false diff --no-color --full-index --ignore-submodules -M --no-ext-diff 385d74957e61c071daf5b5ab0a44da493f702f8d..fe7c71f0d6f5316028d62c64bcda03bd48806bb8
Generated diff size: 8023 bytes
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/validation/diffs/
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/validation/diffs/ expired and was modified
Making HTTP POST request to http://hidden/api/validation/diffs/
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/repositories/?only-links=&only-fields=id%2Cname%2Cmirror_path%2Cpath
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/repositories/?only-links=&only-fields=id%2Cname%2Cmirror_path%2Cpath expired and was modified
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/review-requests/?status=pending&from-user=bcalisch&repository=1&only-fields=id%2Csummary%2Cdescription%2Cdraft%2Curl%2Cabsolute_url&only-links=draft&expand=draft&show-all-unpublished=True
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/review-requests/?status=pending&from-user=hidden&repository=1&only-fields=id%2Csummary%2Cdescription%2Cdraft%2Curl%2Cabsolute_url&only-links=draft&expand=draft&show-all-unpublished=True expired and was modified
Running: git log --reverse --pretty=format:%s%n%n%b ^385d74957e61c071daf5b5ab0a44da493f702f8d fe7c71f0d6f5316028d62c64bcda03bd48806bb8
Update Review Request #67: "NEB-4651 add getListingTypeByName and unit tests"? [Yes/No]: >>> Making HTTP GET request to http://reviews.nebula.care/api/review-requests/67/?only-links=diffs%2Cdraft&only-fields=absolute_url%2Cbugs_closed%2Cid%2Cstatus%2Cpublic
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/?only-links=diffs%2Cdraft&only-fields=absolute_url%2Cbugs_closed%2Cid%2Cstatus%2Cpublic expired and was not modified
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/diffs/?only-fields=
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/diffs/?only-fields= expired and was modified
Making HTTP POST request to http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/diffs/
Making HTTP GET request to http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/draft/?only-fields=commit_id
Cached response for HTTP GET http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/draft/?only-fields=commit_id expired and was modified
Making HTTP PUT request to http://hidden/api/review-requests/67/draft/
Review request #67 posted.


!/usr/bin/env python


import sys
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE
import json
import re
import simplejson as json
from restkit import Resource, BasicAuth, request
import os
import commands

def run_command(command):

p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
if err:
    if "bash" in command:
        return err
        if "already been used" in str(err):
            return err
            print err
return out

def update_jira_ticket_with_comment(ticket_id, reviewboard_link):
server_url = "https://hidden.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue"
sub_url = ""
#server_url = os.environ["TICKET_URL"]
username = os.environ["TICKET_USER"]
password = os.environ["TICKET_PASSWORD"]
project = os.environ["TICKET_PROJECT_ID"]
desc = os.environ["TICKET_DESC"]
task_summary = os.environ["TICKET_SUMMARY"]

complete_url = server_url + "/" + ticket_id + "/comment"
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json"}
comment_payload = {
    "body": "There is a review board review for this ticket and it can be found at the following URL: " + reviewboard_link
auth = BasicAuth(os.environ["BIT_BUCKET_USER"], os.environ["BIT_BUCKET_PASSWORD"])
resource = Resource(complete_url, filters=[auth])
response = resource.post(headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, payload=json.dumps(comment_payload))
return response

def clone_repo(bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password, repo):
if os.path.exists("./" + repo):
print "Repo exists, we will erase it and clone a fresh copy."
command_output = run_command("rm -rf " + repo)
curl_command = ("git clone https://%s:%s@bitbucket.org/hidden/%s.git" % (bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password, repo))
json_returned = run_command(curl_command)
print "Repo Cloned"
print "Repo doesn't exist locally to build the diff for the review requests, cloning repo: " + repo
curl_command = ("git clone https://%s:%s@bitbucket.org/hidden/%s.git" % (bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password, repo))
json_returned = run_command(curl_command)
print "Repo Cloned"

def get_bit_bucket_prs(repo, bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password):
curl_command = (
"curl https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/hidden/%s/pullrequests -u %s:%s --request GET --header 'Content-Type: application/json'" % (
repo, bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password))
json_returned = run_command(curl_command)
json_returned = json_returned.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
json_object = json.loads(str(json_returned))
return json_object

bit_bucket_user = os.environ["BIT_BUCKET_USER"]
bit_bucket_password = os.environ["BIT_BUCKET_PASSWORD"]
review_board_user = os.environ["REVIEW_BOARD_USER"]
review_board_password = os.environ["REVIEW_BOARD_PASSWORD"]
repo = os.environ["SELECT_REPO"]

print "Clone repo."
clone_repo(bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password, repo)
json_object = get_bit_bucket_prs(repo, bit_bucket_user, bit_bucket_password)

for obj in json_object["values"]:

origin_branch = obj["destination"]["branch"]["name"]
branch_being_merged = obj["source"]["branch"]["name"]
jira_code = obj["title"]
PR_ID = obj["id"]
desc = obj["description"].replace("\n", "").strip().replace("\r", "")
author_username = obj["author"]["username"]
p = re.compile("(NEB-\d{4})")
jira_code = p.findall(jira_code)[0]
jira_link = "https://hidden.atlassian.net/browse/" + jira_code
summary = obj["summary"]["raw"].replace("\n", "").strip().replace("\r", "") + " jira url " + jira_link
desc = desc + " jira link " + jira_link
server_reviews = "http://hidden"

    rb_command = ("""cd %s && git checkout %s && rbt post --repository=%s --tracking-branch="origin/%s" --parent="origin/%s" --branch="%s" --guess-fields=auto --target-groups=%s --publish --server="%s" --username="%s" --password="%s" --submit-as="%s" --bugs-closed="%s" --description="%s" -d """ % (repo,branch_being_merged, repo, branch_being_merged, origin_branch, branch_being_merged, "PR_Reviewers", server_reviews, review_board_user, review_board_password, author_username, jira_code, desc))
    rb_command_output = run_command(rb_command).encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
    print rb_command_output

    if "commit ID specified has already been used" in rb_command_output:
        rb_command = ("""cd %s && git checkout %s && yes | rbt post --repository=%s --tracking-branch="origin/%s" --parent="origin/%s" --branch="%s" --guess-fields=auto --target-groups=%s --publish --server="%s" --username="%s" --password="%s" --submit-as="%s" --bugs-closed="%s" --description="%s" -u -d """ % (repo, branch_being_merged, repo, branch_being_merged, origin_branch, branch_being_merged,"PR_Reviewers", server_reviews, review_board_user, review_board_password, author_username, jira_code,desc))
        print rb_command
        #this is the command it hangs on
        rb_command_output = run_command(rb_command).encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
        if rb_command_output:
            print rb_command_output
            print "your review request has been updated."
except Exception as e:
    print e
#2 david
  • +Component:RBTools