4547: rbt post command hangs while using with Clearcase to post code on a branch


What version are you running?

rbt: 0.7.6, ReviewBoard server: 2.5.2

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Running rbt post command as:
    rbt post --summary="Demo Test" --description="Demo" brtype:my_branch

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The review request should be posted to the server. But the command hangs forever and no review request is posted to the server.

What operating system are you using?

rbt running on Windows 7

Attach the debug out from the command.

z:\iag\work>rbt post -d --summary="Demo Test" --description="Demo"  brtype:my_branch
>>> RBTools 0.7.6
>>> Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
>>> Running on Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
>>> Home = C:\Users\e00834\AppData\Roaming
>>> Current directory = z:\iag\work
>>> Checking for a ClearCase repository...
>>> Running: cleartool pwv -short
>>> Running: diff --version
>>> Running: cleartool lsview -full -properties -cview
>>> Running: cleartool describe -short vob:.
>>> Running: cleartool pwv -root
>>> repository info: Path: z:\i, Base path: z:\i, Supports changesets: False
>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://ggns1rvbd1/api/
>>> Running: cleartool lsvob -long \iag
>>> Repository's \iag uuid is u'55f6b288.42074f7f.ad72.eb:12:6b:93:af:dd'
>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://ggns1rvbd1/api/repositories/?tool=ClearCase
>>> Cached response for HTTP GET http://ggns1rvbd1/api/repositories/?tool=ClearCase expired and was modified
>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://ggns1rvbd1/api/repositories/8/info/
>>> Cached response for HTTP GET http://ggns1rvbd1/api/repositories/8/info/ expired and was modified
>>> Matching repository uuid:55f6b288.42074f7f.ad72.eb:12:6b:93:af:dd with path:/view/ubb_reviewboard/cm_data/iag
>>> repository info: Path: /view/ubb_reviewboard/cm_data/iag, Base path: /view/ubb_reviewboard/cm_data/iag, Supports changesets: False
>>> Running: cleartool find -all -version brtype(my_branch) -exec "cleartool descr -fmt \"%En     %PVn    %Vn

Please provide any additional information below.

  1. From the debug logs it looks like it either does not return from the cleartool find command or is not able to process the result from the command. Either way, no error logs are shown and the command does not break either. It just sits there until killed manually.
  2. When the below command is run manually from the command prompt, it generates output (cleartool describe output for files on the branch + some error messages). Seems like the handler of this output does not like the error messages and causes the issue.
cleartool find -all -version brtype(my_branch) -exec "cleartool descr -fmt \"%En     %PVn    %Vn
#1 jamie
  • +Release-0.7.x
#2 rishikesh.gupta

I have made some changes in rbtools file utils/process.py .

original code (line number 162 to 173) :

if split_lines:
    data = p.stdout.readlines()

    if return_errors:
        errors = p.stderr.readlines()
    data = p.stdout.read()

    if return_errors:
        errors = p.stderr.read()

rc = p.wait()

new code :

if with_errors == False:
    data , errors = p.communicate()
    rc = p.returncode
    if split_lines:
        data = p.stdout.readlines()
        data = p.stdout.read()
    rc= p.wait()

After replacing original code by new code , rbt post command (rbt post --summary="Demo Test" --description="Demo" brtype:my_branch) does not hangs , means its working fine.
Please provide your feedback/confirmation on this , after that i will initiate code review reuqest with above changes in rbtools code.

#3 david

Are you asking us to review code in the bug tracker instead of the code review tool? Please post your change on https://reviews.reviewboard.org/

#4 david

Fixed in rbtools master (f158f41). This will ship in RBTools 1.0.

  • -New