4469: Can you please provide maximum files count and total diff size for retrieving diff in diff tab


What version are you running?

What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

Diff tab not dispalyed I have commited 500 files and size is 28.6 MB

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Commit new files in GIT 500 files and size is 28.6 MB
  2. Create Post Commit Review request
  3. Diff tab not diplaed

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Diff Tab should show diff for all files in pagination

What operating system are you using? What browser?

CentOS - google chrome

Please provide any additional information below.

I have removed APACHE HTTPD Timeout to avoide request Timeout

#1 david

Ignoring for a moment the fact that a 28.6MB diff with 500 files isn't reviewable by humans,

  • What version control system/hosting service are you using?
  • Just to confirm, you're creating your review request using the "New Review Request" page?
  • Can you look in the Review Board log file after trying to create the review request to see if there are any errors?
  • -New
#2 santoshsthul

Hello David,
1) We are using GITLAB for hosting repository
2) we are creating review request using API()

We are merging Sprint branch in master branch, after merging Sprint branch in master branch code should get reviewed.

#3 david

OK, something in "creating review request using API()" isn't correctly adding the diff. I'm going to need a lot more information about what that involves.

#4 santoshsthul

I could create Review and Diff for small files like upto 2MB. I have modified property file which has 11MB of size and pushed for code review using API. For Small file it created review and diff but for 11MB file it did not created diff.

Could you please tell me what could be highst size of file I can promote for diff genereation.

#5 david

There is a configuration option for the maximum diff size that will be allowed, in the "Diff Viewer" page of the admin site. However, that should default to unlimited. I'll also re-state that when the size of the diff is measured in megabytes, it's not possible for humans to do any kind of meaningful code review.

You still have not explained what you mean by "using API".

#6 david
  • -NeedInfo