4455: rbt post shouldn't overwrite manually configured target groups (e.g. TARGET_GROUPS) based on .reviewboardrc config


What version are you running?

$ rbt --version
RBTools 0.7.6

Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.

I have TARGET_GROUPS configured in my .reviewboardrc, and I run

rbt post
Review request #1234 posted.

I then go to the web UI and for this review I add another reviewing group. I get some reviews, go back and make some changes, and then resubmit it for review.

rbt post -r 1234

I go back to the web UI to update my changes, and I have to manually re-add the second reviewing group. I don't want my TARGET_GROUPS to override groups I have manually configured.

Please provide any additional information below.

It might make sense that if I explicitly specified --target-groups on the command line that could be treated differently. But my basic thinking is that configuration shouldn't override explicit choice on the part of the user.

#1 david

Unfortunately, due to the way TARGET_GROUPS works, it can't really tell the difference between it being in your configuration file and if you specified it as the command-line argument, and so this is working as designed.

Something that probably better matches your expectations is if you configured a "default reviewer" on the server-side to automatically assign the group based on repository or file paths. In this case, if you then make changes to the groups in the UI, they won't get overridden on updates.

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