4058: Please add SCM-manager as a Hosting service for local scm-manager repositories!
- WontFix
- Review Board
izeussan | |
Please add SCM-manager as a Hosting service for local scm-manager repositories!
SCM-manager has next local structure of created git repos:
Does SCM Manager expose any sort of API for interfacing with it? We cannot support a plain old git repository hosted somewhere (over ssh:// or git://) because the protocol doesn't allow for fetching files by their blob ID.
If there is an API to get files by their blob ID then this can be implemented.
Alternatively, if you can access files via http://some-url/repo/<revision>/files/<filename> then our current git support can handle this.
- New + NeedInfo
Yes, SCM-manager has API.
Did you mean? -> https://docs.scm-manager.org/restdocs/1.46/resource_RepositoryResource.html
May I help you with another information?
I found this one:
Maybe if ReviewBoard will have few fields with options it will help
SCM-manager repo URL - http://scm-manager.server/scm/git/reponame
ID links with repo: B1PUWe6zF3
username password^^^something like this^^^
Please correct my link to
http ://some.server/scm/api/rest/repositories/B1PUWe6zF3/content?path=patch-to/filename&revision=1234123412341234123412341234123412341234
This is for git only. SCM-Manager supports original "hgweb" for Mercurial by default. This can be used by RB.