3946: Add styling for .codehilite to signify the section

pde***@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
> What version are you running?

2.0.18 (but also in 2.5 beta 3)

> What's the URL of the page containing the problem?


> What steps will reproduce the problem?

1. Publish a comment with a fenced code block (```).
2. View the comment

> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The div with class 'codehilite' appears inline with the rest of the human message. It doesn't particularly stand out, outside a left margin.

> What operating system are you using? What browser?

Windows, Chrome stable

> Please provide any additional information below.

It is common practice to add borders and background to signify the code block. This is regardless of code syntax styling.

Likely top examples would come from StackOverflow and GitHub.

StackOverflow - light grey background without border
@see http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help#syntax-highlighting

GitHub - light grey background with border
@seee https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/#examples (click Code)

Personally, I've added the styling to a userscript to handle it on my client, but I think it's common practice enough that the project should support this.
#1 chipx86
  • -Type-Defect
#2 david

We've improved this a bit in 2.5.x and a lot for 3.0

  • -New