3308: Incentive-centered design: Achievement system

peter*****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
What version are you running? 1.7.22

What's the URL of the page this enhancement relates to, if any? n/a

Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.

Request for a custom achievements system (that can be set up and defined by the superusers) to promote incentive-centered design.
Example would be a super user could define custom achievement for their reviewboard instance such as:

 condition                 operator         value       Achievement

 ship its in one review    >=               5           Title - Description
 ship its total            >=               50          Title - Description
 review requests made      >=               100         Title - Description
 Review requests submitted >=               100         "Centurion" - Description
 Issues in one review      >=               10          "What were you thinking"

What operating system are you using? What browser?  Linux Ubuntu / Firefox 26

Please provide any additional information below.