2273: number of incomming/outgoing reviews reset after migration to 1.6

kofe****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
Sept. 7, 2011
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after upgrade from 1.5.5 to 1.6 all counters was reset to zero.
Now, after some patches get submitted counters start to decrease
and become a negative numbers. I guess some DB schema change did
not run completely.
#1 chipx86
What type of database are you using?

For now, try running: rb-site manage /path/to/site fixreviewcounts
  • +NeedInfo
  • -Priority-Medium
#2 kofe****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
I run Mysql 5.0.51a on debian lenny.

fixreviewcounts did the job.
#3 chipx86
We thought we had this nailed down in the betas, but alas...

We call fixreviewcounts on upgrade, which should have taken care of this. Strange that it did not, but someone else also reported this. We'll do more tests.

It looks like the group counts were correct though? Given the difference in screenshots. So the broken fields were Starred, Outgoing, Incoming, To Me, and All My Requests?
#4 kofe****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
> It looks like the group counts were correct though? Given the difference in screenshots. So the broken fields were Starred, Outgoing, Incoming, To Me, and All My Requests?

That's right, group counter where correct.
#5 david