5025: Allow categorizing reviewers

4466, 4919

I was reading https://graphite.dev/blog/how-google-does-code-review?utm_source=tldrnewsletter#attention-sets-and-turns about how Google does code review with Critique/Gerrit, and one thing I really liked is that there's a stratification of reviewers, including "owner", "reviewers", and "CCs". See https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/q/status:open+-is:wip for an example of how this looks.

We actually have this issue in my company. The code owner of my group is swamped with code requests, so he asked us not to add him on a code review until we get a ship-it from a more junior dev. So we end up just listing the junior devs for review, and they sometimes are scared to give it a ship-it without seeing that the code owner is listed as a reviewer. I think they'd be a lot more comfortable giving ship-its if they saw right away that a higher-level ship-it is required from the code owner before it can get shipped.

Similarly, a lot of the time I want people from other groups to see the code change, but I don't want them to think they have to review. So a CC option would be great for that.