What version are you running?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Go to https://www.reviewboard.org/downloads/rbtools/#windows
- Click "Download RBTools for Windows" ( https://downloads.reviewboard.org/releases/RBTools/3.0/RBTools-3.0-64bit.exe )
- That gives you a 403
- Go back to https://www.reviewboard.org/downloads/rbtools/#windows
- However I can download
by following the "Older releases can be downloaded from our archive." going to https://downloads.reviewboard.org/releases/RBTools/3.x/index.html and then downloading from https://downloads.reviewboard.org/releases/RBTools/3.x/RBTools-3.0-64bit.exeWhat is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What operating system are you using?
Attach the debug out from the command.
Please provide any additional information below.
Long story short "3.0" in the download link needs to be replaced with "3.x"
We actually had the upload path for downloads.reviewboard.org wrong during release. We wanted to keep that at 3.0. Sorry about that, and thanks for reporting it! It's fixed, and the link on the site should work correctly again.
- New + Fixed -
- Priority:Medium + Priority:Critical -
- RBTools windows download link points to non-existent .exe + RBTools windows download link points to non-existent .exe -
+ chipx86