4788: Ability to configure which messages are sent to Slack


What version are you running?


What's the URL of the page this enhancement relates to, if any?


Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.

The "Add webhooks" admin page provides a very useful feature where the admin can select which events get sent to the webhook - the options are: "All events", "Review request closed", "Review request published", "Review request reopened", "Review published", and "Reply published".
When configuring Slack integration, this option is not provided, and "all events" are sent to the Slack webhook.
Would it be possible to have this same feature from "Add webhook" to be added to the Slack integration?

What operating system are you using? What browser?

Server is hosted on Linux. Client is Linux. Browser is Firefox 57

Please provide any additional information below.

Missing feature aside, love the new Slack integration added in 3.0!

#1 bmayank

+1 on this (wanted to avoid filing a new ticket as this is pretty much the exact thing I've been looking for). Is it possible to get a sense of whether this is on the roadmap?

#2 chipx86

It's not on the roadmap (the roadmap is densely packed at the moment) but it is something I think would be valuable to add.

I'm happy to accept patches for this. We also work with students each semester, and this could be a good starter project for one in the Fall.

  • -New
  • +Component:Integration