1068: Use a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to send mail instead of a mail server listening at a TCP/IP port

dfra****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
292, 3591
We have a Debian Linux system with no mail server listening for incoming
mail, but with a mail transfer agent (e.g., ssmtp).  Most programs we use
(e.g., svn's mailer.py) will use the mail transfer agent (MTA) program
directly, and not require either an open relay, or putting a user's
password in a config file.

It would be great if Reviewboard would do the same.  Perhaps it could use
some Python package to do so?
#1 dfra****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
Note: a more popular example of an MTA is sendmail or qmail.  ssmtp emulates
sendmail, but is much much simpler in functionality and config.
#2 chipx86
This will be easier in the future. Right now we're depending on Django's support, and
hard-coding it. We'll have this abstracted out a bit later and be able to deal with
different hooks (including using a more proper mail solution).
  • +Confirmed
  • -Type-Defect
#3 chipx86
  • +Milestone-Release1.6
#4 dfra****@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
FYI, I since have no need of this change personally, so prioritize as you will.
#5 degrand********@gmai***** (Google Code) (Is this you? Claim this profile.)
I have exactly the same need...
#6 chipx86
Pushing out to 1.7 (tentatively).
  • +Milestone-Release1.7
#7 david
  • -Milestone-Release1.7
#8 david
  • -Milestone-Release1.8